Medium and Channeling
What is Channeling or being a medium ?
" To channel is to be able to receive knowledge from higher intelligence "
Information on this page is at a high awareness level and can awaken feelings and dormant parts of yourself. This is also an opportunity to inner growth.
Read this carefully.
Being a medium means you have the ability to communicate in another different way.
We know several ways to communicate:
There is the VERBAL communication among people (By sound waves),
There is the SIGN LANGUAGE among the deaf (By hand signs and movement),
There is also TELEPATHY among gifted ones (By Mind waves)
There is CHANNELING between SOULS or any other kind of LIFE ENERGY
Like in Telepathy, what is emitted and received by the other side is ENERGY and the emitter and receiver is our soul, or our "life energy".
A medium is someone who is able to communicate with other life energy directly, that's all !!
The other energy may be another soul (belonging to a live or passed person), or higher life energies as Angels or Spiritual Masters.
There are different types of mediums ?
Yes, there are three different types of mediums:
The first group are the ones who are born with channeling abilities, seeing the energy world, auras and hearing voices is a undistinguished part of their life. Usually people from this group are misunderstood and they lack the knowledge what to do with their abilities. Sometimes they turn into fortune tellers or other kind of psychics.
The second group is like the first one, but at age of 2-3 they forget about their abilities and go on without being aware of their early experience. All newborns are part of this group, they see "Monsters" and imaginary friends, but when told by their parents that this is not REAL they close their energy sight and became NORMAL child. All kids see auras and energies, but without proper guidance they block their psychic abilities as a way to guard themselves.
The third group are the ones who are "normal people" and regain the ability to see energies and channel through self development and awareness practices. Everyone who has a soul (who lives) is able to be a medium, but for this the one should live at a higher life frequency, a higher level of awareness. This can be achieved by proper guidance and daily awareness and energy exercises.
There are also different types of channeling ?
Yes, for channeling to take place there must be an awareness-match or life-frequency-match. This match can be achieved at lower awareness level or higher level. The level of awareness at which the channeling occurs leads to various levels of information and knowledge which can be received.
The highest channeling level is called HIGH channeling. In this case the medium's soul stretches himself and exists simultaneously both in the physical body and at a higher awareness level (life frequency) of the spirit we wish to communicate to. The information exchange takes place a a higher level of awareness (spirit level) and accordingly the information itself is wider and more useful. The information received at this level serves to guide us in life, for healing purposes and helps us to fully materialize our life and soul potential.
An intermediate channeling level is called LOWER channeling requires the medium to have "open energy centers". Some of the body energy centers are also called CHAKRAS, because energetically they spin like a wheel. In this type of channeling, the higher life energy we wish to communicate to (an angel or spiritual guidance) lowers his awareness level (frequency of life) until it matches with the medium awareness level and the information exchange is possible. This channel is always initiated by the guidance and not by the medium. The knowledge passed to the medium is limited because the awareness level involved is relatively low. Sometimes the awareness level of the spirit is also low and this is the only possible way to communicate, leading to a narrow perspective from both the spirit and the medium. Sometimes a high spirit communicates this way to encourage the medium to grow internally and develop himself. In his case, this type of channeling is essential to inner growth.
The lowest channeling (not recommended and very dangerous !) is called TRANCE channeling. This kind of channeling is more rare. Someone who is not able or doesn't want to grow spiritually and has a weak bond between his body and soul can use this kind of channeling. The medium soul goes out of his body and another life energy (as a soul of a dead in a seance session) enters the medium body, acts and speaks through this body. The medium sounds and behaves different because a soul different of his own takes possession of the body, speech and movements. This kind of channeling was widely described in scary movies and the main concern is that the soul which takes possession of the body can refuse to leave it, and in this case this is similar to death of the medium.
Why to channel ?
The main reason is to receive through channeling guidance to better life.
Humans are not the highest life-form in Universe and it will be arrogant to declare we know everything. Higher life forms can guide us on the path humanity never experienced, and this guidance can be received only through channeling, like a child receives guidance from his parents.
Every newborn child has from the first moment at least 3 guidance spirits who accompany him the whole life. Sometimes they appear to him as "Monsters in bedroom" because only the child can see them and not his parents.
Subconscious communication with the guidance spirits is also called "Instinct" or "Gut feeling"
"The Energy Work" is a way to turn this subconscious channeling to awareness channeling and to receive more clear information for everyday life.
Imagine yourself a unseen advisory for every decision in business or life ? How much it worth not to make wrong and costly decisions (Both financial and emotional) ? And this advisory can also learn you new tricks ?
When somebody reaches a higher awareness level his guidance spirits may leave and be replaced with higher guidance, similar to teachers which are replaced by higher teachers in school.
How the information is received in channeling ?
The channeled information is received in "Information Packages"
The information includes knowledge, feelings, sounds, images, smell, healing energies and much more.
The medium filters the information according to it's awareness level and his knowledge, leading to a personal interpretation of what has been received.
The Information Package is received quickly (short time) and after the information is received it takes time for the medium to convert it into words and detailed description.
For a wider perspective and less filtering should be a gathering of mediums, each one receives (from the same or different spirits) another piece of the puzzle and sharing the received information with other mediums leads to a wider understanding of the issue approached.
Who can be a medium ?
Everyone can be a medium !!!
The only two requirements to channel are:
To have a soul (to be alive)
To have a minimum awareness level (which can be achieved by energy work, and has nothing to do with IQ)
Most of the children see life energies (Aura and others) but without parent's encouragement they close their psychic view and continue to be guided by social and anthropological behavior.
In all my Reiki workshops the participants can see Auras and energies, Further Energy Cleanup leads to higher awareness level and Conscious Channeling (High Channeling) to improve life quality and experience.
Everyone has Channeling Capabilities buried at different subconscious levels or under Energy Attachments, and the Energy Cleanup process can reveal those hidden abilities.
Learning to be a medium is a process of self-development, removal of any inhibiting and disturbing unwanted-life-energies and opening energy barriers.
It is very important to do this process under proper guidance of a medium.
This process is like growth, slow and steady and can't be achieved instantly or in a one session workshop.
In one-session-workshop sometimes the participants open themselves to channeling, but without proper guidance afterwards, they get lost and damaged.
Being a medium is Learned or born ability ?
There are also "Born mediums" which know to channel like we know how to look with our eyes. Some of them are persecuted because they're different, some make a living by telling others the future or other messages.
There are also normal people who suddenly experience paranormal experiences and (usually) are scared and seek for guidance what to do with it. If you're one of this people contact me for guidance and how to safely use your new discovered abilities.
The other group are people who want to improve their lives and seek for new ways to do it. This people can gradually rise their awareness level to learn new energy tools, practice them and became mediums through a process of intention, learning and struggle against destructive habits.
Who are the spirits we channel with ?
Starting to channel open a door to higher knowledge and the spirit world.
The information and guidance received can be from spirits (life energy) with lower or higher consciousness, but also from "energy lifeforms" within us, as the Ego, our wishes our mind or other lifeforms.
The basics of channeling is to be able to differentiate among all lifeforms, which is the one we're talking to.
Each life-form has a distinct energy, feeling, way to express and other characteristics. We should sharpen our senses to be able to sense each one differently.
That's the main reason why becoming a medium is a process which takes time and learning to avoid being confused by the abundance of received information.
It is very important to know who are you channeling with and how to interpret the knowledge you receive. Otherwise is like listening to people in a crowd and doing whatever you hear, even if it's not relevant for you.
How do I recognize real channeled information ?
The received information can originate from various sources, as, our ego, wishes or lower and higher spirits.
I call real information only to what came from higher spirits, which are at a higher awareness level than mine. Information from lower awareness is irrelevant to my inner growth.
There are several "signs" or rules we should know and apply to the received message:
The channeled message should be received with a feeling, and not only mentally or visually.
The feeling should be pleasant and refined like love or compassion. Feelings like fear, anger, cold and constriction point to a lower awareness spirit.
The message should not be conditional or based on fear. Ex: If you don't do ..this.. something bad will happen to you.
The knowledge should be new or a new context we didn't thought about before. This way channeling is a tool for inner growth.
The knowledge and the perspective of the spirit we channel with is much wider than ours, this should be noticed in the messages.
Finally, look back, what happened to you when you used the knowledge and information received by channeling, did it brought you to a better state in everyday life or a worse one. If your life improved, keep channeling :)
Where do I begin ?
The very first action is to make an intention !
Then ask for guidance and help from your soul, your heart or from whatever you believe in.
The next step is to chose yourself a teacher (or mentor). How to chose a teacher is widely described in the Reiki page.
Contact the teacher you have chose and start working together.
Another way to safely enter the energy world is to learn Reiki. In my workshops I teach not only Reiki but also essential knowledge regarding the energy world. There is also an individual attention on each participant regarding his abilities.
The Reiki energy can be the first step towards inner growth and becoming a responsible trusted medium.
For more details please contact me or fill in your details