Energy Cleanup
General facts:
Our physical life and daily reality is based on our "Life Energy" called also "soul".
Had you ever experienced heavy breathing in a place with plenty of air ? This is because do not breathe only air but ENERGY also attached to the air. The same way we filter our drinking water and air, we should filter also the ENERGY WE BREATH to inhale more Pure Life Energy and less toxic energies.
In ancient China over the years was developed an art to clean and adapt surrounding energies called Feng Shui. The heart of Feng Shui is to utilize the surrounding energies to heal ourselves instead of harming us.
Everyone takes a shower or bath to clean dust, sweat and other impurities which attach to our physical body, but what about the energy body ?
Our life energy extends a few feet more around us, and the clairvoyance can see it as our AURA. When we pass near somebody, part of his energy from aura sticks with ours. Daily energy cleanup includes cleaning our aura like we clean our body.
Itchiness and illness occur when our body is not clean, both physical and energetically. Physical illness can be infections, and energy illness can be diagnosed as ADHD asthma or cancer.
Surplus of energy dirt can be expressed as overflowed emotions as weeping, mental instability or even physical diseases.
Negligence in maintenance of our energetic body leads to genetic diseases and poor life quality.
Chakras are energy organs of our body which are well recognized by the eastern medicine, likewise the energy which flows through the Meridians which is called "Energy of life" or Chi (Ki). Chi-gong, Tai-Chi and Rei-Ki are few of the disciplines which teach us how to improve life quality using this life energy.
Every physical organ (heart, liver..) has an energetic organ which enables it's proper function, when the energy organ is damaged, the illness symptoms appear in the physical body.
It is crucial to gain Knowledge and practice to maintain the energy body in order to achieve physical and mental health.
What is HEALING and what are the differences between the conventional and alternative medicine ?
There are several approaches and viewpoints to illness:
The first one:
In conventional therapy there is a diagnosis, specialization of each doctor in a narrow field and finally the patient loses his humanity because all are searching for the disease. the patient became a "case number" in a mob.
In Whole-istic medicine the healer observes not only symptoms, but also the patient's life habits and life environment to better understand the surrounding environment. Many times the source of the illness is in the surrounding and habits rather than in the physical body.
The second one:
The attitude toward the illness and symptoms !!
One can relate to symptoms (pain) as a disturber, and wish to UNDO the condition, like when you mistype on a computer.
Other can relate to symptoms as an alarm pointing to a dysfunctional body.
In the first example the doctor prescribes pain killers to get rid of the pain without seeking for the real problem, while in the second one, the real problem is healed and therefore is no need for an alarm, and the pain stops.
The third one:
This approach is the most important of all: whether the patient is Active or Passive during the treatment ?
Passive treatment is when the drug kills the pain (or some external influence does the job) and the patient is latent.
Active treatment is when the patient's awareness is part of the healing process and there is a patient's effort to change the condition.
The process in which the patient is active contributes to one's internal growth !! (otherwise the suffering is in vane)
By being active, the patient learns what he has done wrong and brought him to the illness and avoids making again the same mistakes.
Important Highlights:
Healing is the process in which the body (physical, mental and spiritual) returns to whack, to harmonious interaction among it's parts.
Our body has the knowledge to heal itself, it just needs our help to heal.
The help can be from inside (Correct decisions, intention and their implementation) or from outside from a healer which can see the whole picture, advise about the best way to obtain the patient's wishes and provides the environment and tools to achieve it.
This kind of perspective of the healer can be achieved through experience and from higher guidance by channeling (see the channeling page).
What is energy dirt ?
There are two types of energy: Regular energies (heat, radio waves) and Life energies (the soul and energy attachments).
Regular energies tend to disrupt the subject they are transmitted to, like fire which burns the wood. The more energy we add, it increases the instability (like more heat cause an explosion).
Life energies have the opposite effect, the more we add, there is more stability !!
Some illness are caused only by the lack of life energy, and in these case adding life energy to the patient causes healing, like Reiki.
Lack of life energy is expressed by fatigue, fears and illness.
I define "Energy dirt" or "Energy attachments" the life energy which lives in our body, or aura and is not part of our soul.
There are two types of Energy Attachments: Live and Dormant:
The dormant attachments are like mud or smell which attaches himself to us, usually an energy shower or one session cleanup are enough to get rid of them.
The Live Energy Attachment is like a parasite attached to us, it feeds on our life energy and also influences our thoughts and decisions in life. This kind of attachments can really make our life miserable !! They can lead to suicide or other self poisoning acts.
It is difficult to identify them, because it's impossible for the patient to discriminate between the different parts of himself.
Here comes the role of the healer. Only the healer can guide the patient how to emphasize the soul and clean the Live Attachments.
The live attachments are like a virus, they misinform the cells and organs in our body about their function and this leads to illness and even cancer.
The Energy Cleanup process restores the appropriate functions to all our body and is an essential step toward healing and better life.
It is crucial that the only Life Energy in YOU should be YOUR Soul !!!
Human Relations and Energy Cleanup ?
Have you ever experienced separation from loved one and kept thinking about it a long time ?
Had you noticed fatigue when you're with certain people and vitality when you are with others ?
All this happens because relations and interactions are not only physical, but also energy links which affects us for good or bad.
Some of these links originate from birth (mother-child bonding) and others are created by various ways as marriage, or from past lives.
Energy links influence us and we feel or think, without being able to differentiate other's feelings or thoughts from our own. This is dependence on the unconscious level !!
Part of the Energy Cleanup is to identify these unhealthy links and disconnect them energetically to obtain Inner Independence, mostly wanted by teenagers, but also by adults.
The cleanup of unhealthy energy links leads to life improvement and is one of the many steps toward enlightenment.
How it works ?
The physical body we clean with water and soap, if we have to remove a tumor we need a surgeon,
Likewise the Energy body we clean with energy tools like:
Making right decisions and their implementation,
Guided Imagination Based on our emotional body,
Cleanup with colors and drawings,
Help from Light Healing Beings (With the help of a medium who is channeling with them)
Daily exercises received from a healer, for energy and awareness maintenance,
Cleanup sessions with a channeling healer
It is very important that the patient should be active during the sessions and it's awareness be part of the healing process !! This way the patient doesn't became dependent on the healer and learns how to guard himself in the future.
There are disciplines in which the patient is passive, and his awareness is not part of the healing process. They create temporary results which lead to repetitive sessions and create dependence on the healer because the patient doesn't learn how to do the energy work by himself.
One f the main responsibilities of the healer is to clean what needs to be cleaned and leave all the soul's part unharmed, otherwise he can create a soul's trauma, which is worse than the initial condition.
The unnecessary energy we clean can be from this lifetime or from past lifetimes, so, the healer must be experienced both in Regression Therapy and in Energy work.
How to begin ?
The first step is to chose a reliable healer, one you can feel comfortable with, because the healing process requires an open mind, courage and trust.
The second step is to contact the healer and make an appointment for the first Energy Channeled Diagnosis. In this session you have the opportunity to know better the healer and the healer knows you and your desires. At the end of this session both you and the healer have all the knowledge to decide if you want to work together and what are the chances for success.
The third step are periodic sessions with the healer (usually weekly sessions) where the energy cleanup and healing take place.
One issue may require one session, or more, all this depends upon the patient's effort and abilities, also upon the daily exercises made at home by the patient.
What's next ?
Contact me and get more individual assistance